products & Chemicals

Chilled Water Treatment Chemicals

To ensure the optimal functioning and maintenance of closed circuit heating systems, it is crucial to consistently maintain the appropriate water conditions. 

KNM’s comprehensive range of high-performance cooling water treatment chemicals have been scientifically formulated to deliver significant operational benefits and performance improvements to cooling towers, and open and closed cooling systems that use water as a primary coolant.

KNM’s advanced closed loop and closed circuit treatment chemicals have been scientifically formulated to deliver significant operational benefits and performance improvements to heating systems and closed circuit systems including sea water cooling systems, closed chilled systems, low-pressure heating systems and other closed circuits that use water as a primary medium.

Our extensive range of high performance closed loop treatment chemicals include anti-foulants, specific corrosion inhibitors, multi-functional scale and corrosion inhibitors, and anti-freeze and de-icing products for frost protection applications.

Closed System Scale & Corrosion Inhibitors

The unwanted formation of scale and detrimental impact of metallic corrosion can be significant issues that affect the operation and maintenance of closed circuit water systems.

    • Corrosion Inhibitor for Aluminum
      It is a high performance water treatment chemical scientifically formulated using a blend of organic and inorganic corrosion inhibitors and developed as a corrosion inhibitor and antifoulant for closed circuit water systems containing aluminum.
      It includes molybdate which protects steel, copper and other non-ferrous metals. In addition, it is designed to protect systems which incorporate aluminum. Its extreme efficiency combined with low toxicity has proven to be an ideal treatment for closed chilled water and low pressure heating systems.


    • Nitrite based Corrosion Inhibitor
    • It is a high performance corrosion inhibitor scientifically formulated for the treatment of closed chilled water and low pressure heating systems. It is nitrite-borate based formulation with an additional organic inhibitor added to protect steel, copper and other non-ferrous metals. This makes it an ideal treatment for closed chilled water and low pressure heating systems.

IMPORTANT – This product is NOT intended for use in systems containing aluminum.



    • Nitrile-Phosphonate based Corrosion Inhibitor
    • It is a high performance nitrite – phosphonate based corrosion inhibitor water treatment product scientifically formulated for the treatment of closed water circulating systems. A proprietary blend of organic and inorganic corrosion inhibitors, it achieves superior results protecting steel, copper and other non-ferrous metals. Compared with the more traditional nitrite-borate based corrosion inhibitors, it is an highly efficient formulation, based on nitrite combined with phosphonate & azole, offers the additional benefit of using a lower dosage rate, raising the system TDS to a much lesser degree.
      It is NOT intended for use in systems containing aluminum.
    • Nitrite-Molybdate based Corrosion Inhibitor
      It is a high performance low nitrite – molybdate corrosion inhibitor scientifically formulated for the treatment of closed circuit systems including closed chilled water and low pressure heating systems. Based on a blend of organic and inorganic corrosion inhibitors it has proven to provide superior protection for steel, copper and other non-ferrous metals. It is a highly efficient formulation providing the ideal treatment for closed chilled water and low pressure heating systems.

      IMPORTANT – It is NOT intended for use in systems containing Aluminum.


    • Tannin based Corrosion Inhibitor
      It is a high performance multifunctional tannin, combined scale and corrosion inhibitor for closed heating systems & boilers. It comprises a multi-treat blended liquid formulation based on organic tannin, polymer sludge conditioners and alkali. It can be used either by itself or in conjunction with other supplemental treatments to give a balanced treatment program. It does not add substantially to the closed system water alkalinity and is ideal treatment in boilers which are susceptible to foam formation.
      It controls corrosion by the dual mechanism of oxygen scavenging and the formation of a corrosion resistant tannate film. It prevents scale formation by converting residual hardness salts to a mobile non-adherent sludge that can be removed by blowdown in boilers.


    • Nitrite-Molybdate based Corrosion Inhibitor for Aluminum 
    • It is a high performance low nitrite – molybdate corrosion inhibitor scientifically formulated for the treatment of closed circuit systems including closed chilled water and low pressure heating systems. Based on a blend of organic and inorganic corrosion inhibitors it is proven to provide superior protection for steel, copper, aluminum and other non-ferrous metals. It is a highly efficient formulation providing the ideal treatment for closed chilled water and low pressure heating systems.


    • Nitrite Borate based Corrosion Inhibitor
      It is a high performance nitrite – borate based corrosion inhibitor with Azole for copper protection scientifically formulated for the treatment of closed circulating systems including closed chilled water and low pressure heating systems. This technically advanced water treatment product is an alkaline nitrite-borate based corrosion inhibitor containing an additional organic inhibitor to protect steel, copper and other non-ferrous metals.
      It is NOT intended for use in systems containing aluminum.


    • Azole based Corrosion Inhibitor
      It is a high performance, supplementary corrosion inhibitor based on Benzotriazole developed for use in open or closed water systems. In particular, it creates an insoluble polymeric surface complex on copper and its alloys and also reacts with copper in solution to inhibit corrosion.
      Additionally, it works synergistically with other corrosion inhibitors to effectively control the corrosion of steel and aluminum used in open or closed systems.


    • Antiscalent & Sludge Conditioner
      It is a specially blended mixture of polymeric sludge conditioners for use in steam boilers, cooling & closed water systems.
      It works by a combination of chelation, crystal modification and the threshold effect and is effective against a wide range of scaling salts such as calcium and magnesium hardness, iron oxide and silica. It converts the scaling material into a light mobile floc, which can be blown-down easily.


    • Acidic pH Conditioner

      It is a high-performance specialty acid developed to reduce the pH of water in closed systems.
      High pH in closed water systems may be caused by a number of factors including excess alkalinity levels in the feedwater, or by the excess addition of certain types of corrosion inhibitor chemicals. Whilst it is usually desirable to maintain treated closed system waters in the alkaline pH region to enhance corrosion protection, care needs to be exercised, because certain metals such as aluminum and copper may deteriorate when the pH of the treated system is too high.

      It has advantages over the use of other commonly available acids because it does not add any corrosive neutralization salts to the system, and has a buffering capacity making it easier to achieve the target system pH without over-correcting. The neutralization products that are created through the use of pH conditioners will, in fact, enhance the protection against corrosion and scaling within the system.


    • Alkaline pH Conditioner 

      It is a concentrated product based alkalinity builder and is used for controlling or increasing the pH or alkalinity of water in boilers, cooling systems and effluent streams. It can also be used to boost the pH of Reverse Osmosis (RO) make-up water when used a low doses.

      Specific applications for it include imparting hydroxide alkalinity to boiler feed water and neutralizing acidity in cooling systems and effluents


Closed System Frost Protection

High performance Inhibited and uninhibited MEG and MPG based anti-freeze products to keep your systems protected.

    • MPG based Anti-Freeze 
      It is a high performance mono-propylene glycol based antifreeze coolant that incorporates additional corrosion and scale inhibitors for improved levels of system protection.
      It is scientifically formulated coolant based on mono propylene glycol for use in the food and beverage industries specifically for cooling systems where low oral toxicity is essential. It contains non-toxic, multi-metal inhibitors to protect chillers and their associated cooling systems against corrosion and scale, maximizing the heat transfer properties of the system.
      In addition this highly versatile coolant product has excellent frost protection characteristics.


    • MEG based Anti-Freeze
      It is a high performance, industrial grade secondary refrigerant antifreeze coolant, based on ethylene glycol blended with proven corrosion, scale and biological inhibitors.
      It has been especially formulated from ethylene glycol for use as an industrial grade secondary refrigerant antifreeze in process cooling, refrigeration and air conditioning systems, where toxicity is not an issue. It contains synergistic corrosion inhibitors to protect metals commonly found in such systems. It is based on hi-grade mono ethylene glycol coolant and offers excellent frost protection characteristics. Zinc or galvanized components are not recommended for use with closed loop cooling or heating systems.


Closed System Biocides

The accumulation of microbiological slimes, biofilm and general bio-fouling in closed circuit water systems can be problematic. The build-up of such unwanted foulants can reduce system efficiency, and increase operating and maintenance costs.

    • Isothiazoline based Biocide 
      It is a broad spectrum, non-foaming, readily biodegradable micro-biocide for use in industrial cooling water systems. It is based on a formulation of Isothiazoline derivatives and is completely soluble in water. At relatively low concentrations it is effective against a range of microorganisms including many gram positive and gram negative bacteria, fungi and algae.
      It is effective over a wide range of pH and can be used in isolation or alternately with other non-oxidizing or oxidizing biocides.


    • DBNPA based Biocide
      It is a broad spectrum non-oxidising biocide solution based on DBNPA for use in a range of applications such as cooling water, pulp and paper processing, metalworking fluids and the treatment of RO membranes. It is particularly rapid in its action and has an excellent environmental profile because it degrades quickly and naturally.
      It will rapidly kill a wide range of bacteria including Legionella bacteria. It delivers a synergistic performance with halogen. It also exhibits rapid breakdown (hydrolysis) to low toxicity end products. The rate of breakdown increases with temperature and pH.


    • Bronopol based Biocide
      It is a highly effective Bronopol-based organic biocide disinfectant for the treatment of open re-circulating cooling systems and closed circuit systems. It is a highly effective, broad-spectrum disinfectant and biocide.


    • THPS based Biocide
      It is a high performance non-oxidizing THPS based micro-biocide that uses the latest chemical technologies for the rapid and effective treatment of cooling water systems. It is a rapid-acting micro-biocide developed for use in cooling water systems and is effective against Legionella bacteria, SRB’s, algae and fungi.
      It will also penetrate and disperse biofilm slimes making it an ideal cooling water treatment. It has an excellent environmental profile and is readily biodegradable.


    • Glutaraldehyde based Biocide
      It is a high performance, broad spectrum organic biocide scientifically formulated for the treatment of open re-circulating cooling systems. It is a superior quality glutaraldehyde based treatment that is ideal for the control of bacteria, fungi and algae in open re-circulating cooling systems and evaporative condensers.
      It is a proven high performing product that is that can be used where exceptional performance is critical. It is low foaming and effective over a broad pH range.


    • Bronopol & Isothiazoline based Biocide
      It is a broad spectrum, non-foaming, readily biodegradable micro-biocide for use in industrial open and closed heating and cooling systems. It is based on a formulation of Bronopol and Isothiazoline derivatives and is completely soluble in water. At relatively low concentrations it is effective against a range of microorganisms including many gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, fungi, and algae.
      It is effective over a wide range of pH and can be used in isolation or alternately with other non-oxidizing or oxidizing biocides.