products & Chemicals

Boiler Water Treatment Chemicals

Boiler water treatment; Industrial boilers and steam-raising plant are used extensively in many commercial, manufacturing and industrial processes.

To ensure that such boiler systems are correctly maintained and operate at optimum efficiency it is essential that the correct boiler water conditions are maintained at all times. This can be achieved dosing selected boiler water treatment chemicals into the feed water.

KNM’s technically advanced boiler water treatment chemicals have been scientifically formulated to improve the operation and maintenance of industrial boiler systems and steam generation plant by proactively managing the problems associated with water use, including scale formation, metallic corrosion, boiler water carryover and sludge deposition.

Our high-performance boiler water chemicals include single-shot multifunctional treatment products, scale and corrosion inhibitors, oxygen scavengers, alkalinity builders, sludge conditioners, condensate line treatments and more…

Oxygen Scavengers

If left untreated, boiler water derived oxygen will corrode metallic boiler components leading to increased maintenance costs and reduced boiler efficiency. 


    • Neutralized Sulphite 

      It is an easy-to-handle sulphite-based liquid that can be used as both a powerful oxygen scavenger for low and medium pressure steam boilers and also a neutralizer for removing chlorine and other biocides to protect sensitive systems such as RO plants or prior to discharge to the environment. It also works as an effective neutralizer of halogens, particularly chlorine, and a wide range of other biocides.
      It can also be used to prepare waste streams for disposal to treatment services, including public utility services, by conditioning residual biocide including, but not limited to, C/MIT, DBNPA and THPS.

      It reacts with oxygen to form bi-products which have no adverse effect on boiler integrity. One of these bi-products enhances protection against caustic embrittlement.

    • Partially Neutralized Sulphite
      It is a high-performance food grade catalyzed oxygen scavenger scientifically formulated for the treatment of boilers, steam raising plant and hot water systems.

      It comprises of sodium bisulphite and a catalyst additive.

      It also aids in the rapid removal of dissolved oxygen, prevents pitting corrosion of heat exchange surfaces, and can be used in boiler plant up to a pressure of 46 bar.

    • Catalysed Bi Sulphite

      It is a high performance, liquid sulfite catalyzed based treatment product scientifically formulated for use as an oxygen scavenger in the treatment of boiler water systems.

      It is a non-volatile, inorganic oxygen scavenger, which can be used in systems operating at pressures up to 65 bar. It begins to break down at pressures of 43 bar and is completely decomposed at pressures above 65 bar.

      It prevents corrosion in boiler and other water systems by reacting with any dissolved oxygen in the water. Because of the catalyst contained in this product the rate of reaction with oxygen is greatly increased so that the oxygen is removed before it can begin to corrode metal surfaces. It may also be used for the removal of chlorine.

    • Carbohydrazide 

      It is a high-performance carbohydrazide based boiler water oxygen scavenger that can be used as a direct replacement for hydrazine. It is scientifically formulated to provide outstanding protection from oxygen corrosion together with excellent feed water and boiler system passivation. It is an organic corrosion inhibitor used for scavenging oxygen and passivating metal surfaces.

      Our carbohydrazide based product can be used as a direct replacement for hydrazine in any boiler without the associated safety hazards and handling precautions. It is based on volatile chemistry and so contributes no dissolved solids and minimal ammonia to the boiler system.

      It can be used in boilers of any pressure up to 220 bar, and can be fed into feed waters used for spray attemperation.

    • Tannin

      It is a high-performance tannin-based boiler water oxygen scavenger. It is scientifically formulated as a mildly alkaline blended liquid treatment based on organic tannin and developed for use in steam boilers and other boiler systems. It should be used in conjunction with other supplemental chemical feed water treatments to give a balanced water treatment program. It does not add substantially to the boiler water TDS or alkalinity.

      It controls corrosion by the dual mechanism of oxygen scavenging and the formation of a corrosion resistant tannate film.

  • DEHA

    It is a high-performance corrosion inhibitor scientifically formulated for use in steam boilers, condensate systems and high-pressure hot water systems.

    It is a steam volatile liquid treatment based on Di Ethyl Hydroxylamine used to remove oxygen chemically from feed water, boiler water and condensate in steam generating systems and the recirculating water in high pressure hot water systems.

    Additionality, it passivates iron and copper surfaces, rendering them more resistant to corrosion.

Multi-functional Boiler Treatments

To ensure that such steam boiler systems are well maintained and operate at optimum efficiency it is essential that the correct water conditions are maintained at all times.

    • Sulphite/sulfite

      It is a high performance, blended liquid boiler water treatment based on sulphite/sulfite which combines the functions of an oxygen scavenger, alkalinity builder, phosphate treatment and sludge conditioner.

      It is an ideal all-in-one water treatment chemical for low pressure steam boilers using softened make-up water. It reacts with oxygen to form products which have no adverse effect on boiler integrity.


    • Sulphite Blend

      It is a blended liquid treatment based on sulphite which combines the functions of oxygen scavenger, phosphate treatment and sludge conditioner.

      It is an ideal single treatment for low pressure steam boilers using softened make-up water in areas with high natural alkalinities


    • Alkaline Tannin Polymer

      It is a high performance, blended liquid boiler water treatment based on organic tannins, polymer sludge conditioners and alkali that is scientifically formulated for the treatment of steam boilers and low-pressure hot water systems.

      It can be used with softened or moderately hard make-up, and in many instances provides a complete balanced treatment by itself. However, it can be used with other widely used conjunctional treatments to provide phosphate control and condensate system protection.

      It controls corrosion by the dual mechanism of oxygen scavenging and the formation of a corrosion resistant tannate film.

      It prevents scale formation by converting residual hardness salts to a mobile non-adherent sludge that can be removed by blow-down.


  • Tannin Polymer

    It is a high performance, combined scale and corrosion inhibitor for boilers & closed heating systems scientifically formulated for the treatment of boiler water systems & Closed Loop heating systems. It comprises a blended liquid formulation based on organic tannin, polymer sludge conditioners, and alkali.

    It does not add substantially to the boiler water alkalinity, and hence is an ideal treatment for boilers that are susceptible to foam formation.

    It controls corrosion by the dual mechanism of oxygen scavenging and the formation of a corrosion resistant tannate film. It prevents scale formation by converting residual hardness salts to mobile non-adherent sludge that can be removed by blowdown in boilers.

Condensate Line Corrosion Protection

To ensure that such steam boiler systems are well maintained and operate at optimum efficiency it is essential that the correct water conditions are maintained at all times.

    • Cyclohexylamine Based 

      It is a high-performance Cyclohexylamine based corrosion inhibitor scientifically formulated for use in steam condensate lines and high-pressure hot water (HPHW) systems. It is a neutralising amine developed for use in steam lines where the control of pH is essential.

      It reacts with acids produced in normal boiler operation, controlling pH, thus protecting pipework which would otherwise be subject to vigorous attack.

      It may also be used in HPHW systems to raise the pH without substantially raising the conductivity.


    • Neutralizing Amine

      It is a high-performance corrosion inhibitor scientifically formulated from a blend of neutralizing and filming amines for the control of corrosion in steam and boiler condensate return lines.

      Because it contains neutralizing and filming amines it can protect the system from corrosion caused by both carbon dioxide and dissolved oxygen in waters with high carbon dioxide contents.


    • Amine Blend

      It is a high-performance blend of neutralising amines scientifically formulated for the treatment and protection of steam lines where the control of pH is essential. Based on morpholine and cyclohexylamine.

      It reacts with acids produced in normal boiler operation, controlling pH, thus protecting pipework which would otherwise be subject to vigorous attack.

      The volatile components have different distribution ratios and are thus able to protect all parts of the steam/condensate system


  • Filming Non Amine

    It is a non-amine filming corrosion inhibitor specially formulated from an aqueous solution of alkoxylated fatty acid.

    It protects condensate lines against carbonic acid and oxygen induced corrosion.

Boiler Scale Inhibitors & Polymer Sludge Conditioners

The formation of deposits of scale or baked on suspended solids will reduce efficiency and may make the boiler unsafe to operate.

    • Scale Dispersant Polymer
      It is a polymer that prevents sticky closely adherent sludge. Helps keep heat exchangers, and float control mechanisms deposit free by producing a mobile, easily controlled sludge preventing the formation of adherent scale. It works using a combination of chelation, crystal modification and the threshold effect, and is effective against a wide range of scalants including calcium and magnesium hardness, iron oxide and silica. It converts the scaling material into a light mobile floc, which can be blowdown easily. Our Polymer will gradually re-disperse old deposits and may be used as part of a maintenance ’clean up’ program.


    • Blended Polymer Sludge Conditioner
      It is an advanced scale dispersant and sludge conditioner water treatment product developed for use in both steam boilers and cooling water systems. It is formulated from a specially blended mixture of polymeric sludge conditioners developed for use in steam boilers and cooling water systems. It works using a combination of chelation, crystal modification and the threshold effect, and is effective against a wide range of scalants including calcium and magnesium hardness, iron oxide and silica. It also converts the scaling material into a light mobile floc, which can be blowdown easily.


    • Polyacrylamide co-polymer Sludge Conditioner
      It is a specially blended mixture of polymeric sludge conditioners for use in steam boilers, cooling & closed water systems. It works by a combination of chelation, crystal modification and the threshold effect and is effective against a wide range of scaling salts such as calcium and magnesium hardness, iron oxide and silica. It converts the scaling material into a light mobile floc, which can be blown-down easily. It will gradually redisperse old deposits and may be used as part of a ’clean up’ program. It is suitable for us in closed systems as part of a polymer flush and is especially effective at the removal of iron from the system water.


    • Phosphate Sludge Conditioner 
      It is a high-performance phosphate polymer-based treatment product scientifically formulated for use in steam boilers. It is a blended liquid treatment of polymers and is an ideal treatment for steam boilers using softened make-up water. It is effective against iron and phosphate sludges. The organic polymer provides transport of the calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphate and silica through the boiler. The formation of adherent deposits is prevented, thus increasing the steam production runs, reducing the danger of tube overheating.


    • Phosphate Scale Inhibitor
      It is a high-performance phosphate polymer-based treatment product scientifically formulated for use in steam boilers. It is a blended liquid treatment of polymers and is an ideal treatment for steam boilers using softened make-up water. It is effective against iron and phosphate sludges. The organic polymer provides transport of the calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphate and silica through the boiler. The formation of adherent deposits is prevented, thus increasing the steam production runs, reducing the danger of tube overheating


  • Blended Phosphate Scale Inhibitor

    It is a high performance combined polymer phosphate scale inhibitor treatment scientifically formulated for use in steam boiler systems up to 1500 psi. It is used as a scale inhibitor and control agent for suspended solids. It is best used for softened and low hardness water. The phosphate component reacts with the water hardness, whilst the polymer components provide transport of the calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphate and silica through the boiler, preventing scale adhering to the internal metal surfaces.

Alkalinity Builders

The control of boiler water pH and alkalinity levels are important issue affecting the operation and maintenance of industrial boiler systems and steam raising plant.

    • High Strength Alkalinity Builder
      It is a high quality, concentrated solution of based on alkali earth metal hydroxides. It is an alkalinity builder and is used for controlling or increasing the pH or alkalinity of water in boilers, cooling systems and effluent streams. It can also be used to boost the pH of Reverse Osmosis (RO) make-up water when used a low doses. Specific applications for includes imparting hydroxide alkalinity to boiler feed water and neutralizing acidity in cooling systems and effluents.


    • Alkalinity Builder & Sludge Conditioner
      It is a high performance boiler treatment chemical developed for pH control in steam boilers plus additional polymers for sludge conditioning and scale prevention. It is formulated using a strong alkaline treatment that can be used in the control of feedwater pH, neutralizing any acid present and contributing to alkalinity levels. It also contains sludge conditioning and scale preventing polymers specially selected for their suitability for high temperature applications.